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Our In -House Lab


Essix retainers are removable retainers that are made entirely of transparent plastic, which makes them less noticeable than traditional wire retainers. Another benefit is that they encourage good dental hygiene; patients can take out their retainer when they brush and floss, and clean the retainer itself at the same time. Unlike some wire retainers, Essix retainers cover the entire arch of the teeth and each one is uniquely molded to the shape of the patient's mouth.

Retainers guide and maintain the position and alignment of teeth to help you keep your attractive smile and today there's quite a range to choose from. Retainers can be fixed or removable and made of wires or plastic. Essix retainers, in particular, are clear, slim molds that fit over your teeth. We recommend an Essix retainer as the final stage in a course of orthodontic treatment and we make them for you the day you have your braces removed in our in-house lab.

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